Stampin' Up! has recently announced that they will be re-organizing their color collections and they will debut their new collections in the
2010-2011 Idea Book & Catalog coming out on July 1, 2010.
However, with anything new that means change. And change is often hard. In order to re-energize the color palette, Stampin' Up! will be saying farewell to a handful of colors. Among these colors, are some of my favorites and at first it really saddened me to think that I will be saying goodbye to some of my "well loved" colors, but then I realized that when you say goodbye to one thing, this usually means you get to say hello to another! There are many exciting bright and vibrant colors we are welcoming and even some "in-colors" that have retired, but will be coming back!
For a complete list of the retiring colors, please click on the image below.
These are already selling out quickly as many are wanting to get their hands on these colors before they go away for good! If you have a favorite color on the "fond farewell" list, please do not hesitate to place an order because once they are gone, they are gone forever! As always, order online at or contact me today by e-mailing me at heidilynneboos{at}hotmail{dot}com.

Now onto the new and exciting stuff...
I would love to share with you a sneak peek at the fresh new palette of colors that Stampin' Up! has created to inspire new possibilities using their new color collections! In the past, Stampin' Up! has had 4 color families with 12 colors in each family, along with the 6 neutral colors which were separate. Plus, with each new catalog we welcomed 6 new "in-colors". This is a total of 60 colors!! When you look at the new color collection below, the first thing you might notice is that there are only 40 colors (plus the addition of "in-colors" - see more info below). They are grouped into 4 collections (10 colors in each collection).

What you need to know about the new color collections:
-There are six new colors making their debut: Daffodil Delight, Early Espresso, Cajun Craze, Cherry Cobbler, Marina Mist, and Crumb Cake (formerly called Kraft).
-Past/present "in-colors" will become regulars: Baja Breeze, Pacific Point, Pink Pirouette, Riding Hood Red, River Rock, Tangerine Tango, Wild Wasabi, Melon Mambo, Rich Razzleberry, & Soft Suede.
-In July, Stampin' Up! will release 5 new "in-colors" with the new catalog. These will be available for 2 years. Every year an additional 5 new "in-colors" will be added and then retire after 2 years, basically rotating in and out 5 "in-colors" every year, but you'll have 10 "in-colors" to choose from starting in July 2011. (Let me know if you need more clarification for this!)
Does this mean that you'll have to buy all new Watercolor Wonder Crayons & Stampin' Pastels?
No. Stampin' Up! will be offering kits that you can purchase which will have new tins (for Watercolor Wonder Crayons) or plastic cases (for Stampin' Pastels) along with inserts and product in new colors. A new Color Coach will be available to purchase to help you mix and match the new colors.
I will do my best to answer any questions that you may have regarding the new Color Renovation. Again, if you have a favorite color that is on the fond farewell list, PLEASE do not wait to get it! I don't want you missing out on one of your favorites!
This is a snippet from a note Shelli, Cofounder and CEO of Stampin' Up! recently wrote to all Stampin' Up! demonstrators regarding the availability of the discontinuing colors.
The situation is more complex than that. The main problem is that, if we place orders for the discontinuing products, we run the risk of postponing product production of our new colors. To begin the new Stampin' Up! year without inventory on our new colors would be tragic. On the other hand, not having inventory on hand to fill orders for our discontinued products through the time period we stated is also tragic. But we can't do both...
...We determined that our highest priority is to have product on hand for our new colors. We also committed to filling as many orders as possible for discontinuing products. We will do this by 1) substituting textured card stock for smooth card stock in cases where we run out of smooth, and 2) continuing to place orders for other discontinuing items such as inks and markers in backorder status and work with our vendors to fill those orders. Some backorders may take weeks to fill, but they will get filled.