
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

at least I hand stamped the envelope!

I hang my head in shame and admit that I didn't hand stamp my Christmas cards this year (or last year or the year before that and so on...). Anyone want to join that club with me? As a Stampin' Up! demonstrator I always feel like I should make a handmade Christmas card, but every year it creeps up on me and it just doesn't happen.

At least I put a little personal touch on each of the envelopes I mailed out...

{back of the envelope}

Yes, I did color in each of the stars on every envelope! If I wasn't down to the wire in getting these suckers in the mail...I would have added even more color to the trees. And, yes I am crazy! Coloring in 90+ stamped envelopes would not be an easy task...glad I used a little common sense and decided to fore-go that idea!

{front of the envelope}

However, I did design my own photo card! I wish I could say it was with My Digital Studio, but unfortunately I cannot! One of these days I'll be brave enough to open the shrink wrap to that CD and play with it a little...I just haven't gotten to that point yet!

Here is our 2011 Christmas card...

I do take the time to write a little update on our family each year,
so that should count for something, right?


  1. Heidi you may have not made your cards but you certainly put a ton of effort into your Twelve Days of Christmas Projects (all awesome by the way) and into the envies. I usually make half of my cards and use store bought for those people in my life who don't really care whether it's home made or not (there's a few). At the end of the day I'm lucky if I get to stamp an image o nthe envie so I thought yours were pretty marvy! Thanks for sharing your great pictures and hope you had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for 2012!

  2. I love the picture cards I get from family and friends:) I have decided to leave the pictures taped on the wall till the end of January because I am enjoying them so much! I, too, am a demonstrator who did not stamp her own cards (I didn't even do the envelopes!). However I got the Christmas Lodge stamp set as a gift from one of my stampers and have decided to make our Christmas cards for next year starting...NOW! I really did enjoy your Twelve Days of Christmas! Thank you so much for sharing! I am glad to know someone besides me has not tried the MDS yet! I have been watching the videos at and think I am just about ready to take the plunge! Have a Happy New Year and I will be looking for more fun projects in 2012!


Thank you so much for your encouraging words! Each and every comment is read with delight and very much appreciated! I hope you are inspired to come back for more!