
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

paper players design team call

I was excited to see last week that The Paper Players is having a Design Team Call looking for a couple of designers to be a part of the team for the next few months (March - May). I love their sketches and color inspiration...creating the perfect opportunity to get my creative juices flowing! I have participated in The Paper Players sketch and color challenges in the past as often as time would allow (which isn't often enough!). Recently, I have found myself with a little more extra time to put into participating in challenges, so when I saw they were looking for some designers, I thought I would give it a go in "applying" to join The Paper Players team for a few months. I hesitated for a moment in fear of not making the cut, but then I remembered seeing a quote that I had pinned on Pinterest. "You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way." So, make it or not...I'm giving it a shot!

Just a brief bio of me: I'm Heidi and I have been a Stampin' Up! demonstrator for almost 3 years (in March). It has been such a great experience as my joy for papercrafting has become a true passion of mine! My card making style is fairly clean and simple, but I try to branch out every now and then and try things outside the box. Participating in sketch challenges gives me that chance! I am married to a supportive (and patient) man who puts up with this crazy little hobby of mine! I have two littles at who is in 1/2 day Kindergarten, and a 4 year old pre-schooler. These two cutie pies take most of my attention, and trying to find a balance between mommy and crafter is always a challenge! However, with both of them in school part of the time, I have found those little chunks of time to do something just for me a couple mornings a week...most of the time I'm in my craft room...unless I'm forced to "manage the house"!

Joining The Paper Players team would give me the perfect excuse and joy to be able to get into my craft room a little bit more and work with many different sketches to think outside the box and create something with a little sketch and color inspiration.

Here are a few of my recent favorites...


  1. Good for you for going for it Heidi. I've got fingers and toes crossed for you.

  2. They have to pick you!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it. Good for you for stepping out there :)

  3. Good luck Heidi! I hope they pick you, your projects are always AWESOME!!!

  4. Heidi

    I love all the cards you picked! They are fun and fab!! Good luck girl!!


  5. Hi there, Heidi! Thank you so much for submitting to our Design Team Call! Your projects are so much fun! Have a great day today! :)
    -Anne Marie

  6. Heidi, thank you for sharing your fabulous projects with the Paper Players.

  7. Hi Heidi! What a great true! Thank you for sharing your work with us for The Paper Players Design Team Call!


Thank you so much for your encouraging words! Each and every comment is read with delight and very much appreciated! I hope you are inspired to come back for more!